This post was inspired by the 15 people who hung out in our Abbottsinn International School of Magick Chatroom. I thought it would be a hoot to do a post about this experience so here it goes. I hope you like it my fellow Astral Adventurers. This is my 3rd attempt to write this. My POS (piece of shit) computer ate the previous 2 attempts. Maybe it doesn’t like my writing style or maybe just maybe it hates me. I was listening to my favorite PRN ( and it killed that to. The bastard! Woe is me! Now I’m trying to play my Music Hunter and it won’t let me that play either. I think it is afraid I’m going to replace it when it turns 4 years old in July as if I had the $1,000 plus dollars to do such a thing. Which I don’t I might add. Oh Well such is life. Lets start this post by talking about my favorite Astral Plane one which I invented in a very stoned out stupor over 30 years ago. I call it The Half-Astral Plane a place where you go when you are very stoned on your favorite blond hashish a place where you go when you go very deep into listening to your favorite Pink Floyd album like Wish You Were Here or listening to your favorite Heavy Metal Bands like Metallica and Mega death and Slayer. Or avant-garde music like King Crimson. Or intense comedy like listening to my favorite drug induced Firesign Theater album on headphones listening to the importance of having soles on your feet. Yes the Half-Astral Plane is for all you fine stoners out there. I may be 61 years undead but I still love my Astral contact high. Some things you just never get over. A flying high Heavy Metal Pagan that’s me. There are many other Astral Planes and we will visit some of them in this post to be sure. Now lets leave my favorite Half-Astral Plane for another more conventional Astral Plane and that would be The Dreamlands which H.P Lovecraft one of my Dark Heroes talked so lovingly about in his wonderfully Dark Cthulhu Mythos. The Dreamlands where you go and sometimes don’t come back. Fun monsters reside there. You must possess a great force of Will to survive there. I love a place with challenge. Ah! The Dreamlands where nothing is as it seems. Dark and strange beings dwell within. Such stuff great novels of darkness are written. Oh how I love such images. Such Nightmares and Fantasies reside in the Dreamlands. Beware of what you don’t understand but don’t show fear but strength. Such is the Realm of the Dreamlands Oh how I love it. One of the groups we are planning to bring to this network eventually is our group Call of

Cthulhu Group I don’t remember its number talk to Tegwedd about that. She keeps track of the numbers for the groups. I hope many of you will join it.
The next Astral Plane we will explore will be The Realm of the Great Old Ones where even more horrible monsters reside. Here is the Heart of the Cthulhu Mythos. Here is where the Monsters and Gods and Goddesses reside and thrive and wait till the time when they can rend the Veil of Time and Space and come to our world and rule as they did millennia before in a time that the our world has long forgotten. Ah! H.P.Lovecraft could create such images. The world lost such a visionary when Lovecraft died.
Now we shall end this post by exploring a more conventional Astral Realm. I speak of the Etheric Plane. This is where your Etheric Body travels and sees sites like other Etheric Travelers and great vistas that look very much like lands and seas on this plane of existence. The Etheric Body is also known by the name of the Etheric Double. This is an exact replica of your physical body here on the Earth Plane. The Etheric Plane is yet another level or dimension of the classic Astral Plane. I have a killer site to turn you onto it is called: I’m a member of it I’m known as Abbottsinn there. Just tell them I sent you. You want to get their free toolbar and check out their Paganpedia. See what it has to say about the subjects we covered in this post. Let me know what you find and share it with the rest of our Astral Adventurers in this group. Well I hope you liked this post. It took hours to write lets hope the next one will be easier. Till we meet again: Take Care and Blessed Be. Peace! Peace! Peace! AD (arch-druid) Stephen W. Abbott